Amazon App Referral Code

Did you know? You can get $5 towards the Amazon app, even if you already have used Amazon before? To earn it, use the Amazon App Referral Code LUCY9569N. Use these links to sign up for the Amazon app for iPhone or for Android, and be sure to enter the code.

Amazon App Referral Code: Get $5 off with the Amazon App Referral Code LUCY9569N!

How to Enter the Amazon App Referral Code

It’s not super obvious where you should enter the Amazon App Referral Code LUCY9569N, so I have some instructions!

First, download the Amazon App! Next, log into your account, or create an Amazon Account. In the top left corner of the app, you’ll see three lines above each other—this is what you’ll click to get to the menu. In the menu, you should select “Programs and Features”.

Scroll down that list of programs until you see one that says something like “Refer a friend, you each get $5”. Click on that. The first thing you’ll notice is the yellow “Share Your Code” section. This is very important if you want to keep earning credits later. But for now, click the blue part underneath the yellow box that says “Have a Referral Code?” In that section you should enter the Amazon App referral code LUCY9569N.

Next time you order, you’ll notice that the $5 credit is applied!

Here are more details in video format!

Earning more with your Own Amazon App Promo Code

Once you’ve scored your initial $5, you can earn $5 over and over again when you refer your own friends to download and try out the Amazon App. There is a limit of $250 per year—but that’s 50 friends, so it’s not likely you’ll hit the limit. But it’s definitely a nice little bonus if you can get a few!