Veestro is a new, fantastic plant-based meal delivery service. Sign up for an account and get heat-and-eat meals delivered to your doorstep.
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To get a 10% Veestro Coupon, visit via this link. On that page you will see a purple banner at the top of the page. Click the link there to enter your email and get your discount.
Veestro Review
I’m not always plant-based, but I like to try to be. Veestro was definitely appealing to me because the meals are all plant-based and affordable. I haven’t yet orderered Veestro meals at this point, but here’s my Veestro review based on my perusal of the site, and accounts from friends!
The thing I liked right away about Veestro is the ability to pick your own meals. Since I’m not always plant-based, some vegan meals just don’t appeal to me. Sometimes I need something that resembles meat. So I’m happy when I see things like Chick’n Quesadillas, Spanish Torta, or Enchilada Casseroles. I mention these because they are my top choices from Veestro, hands down.
The meals ship overnight and arrive frozen, packed with ice. You can leave it outside until you arrive home from work, and don’t have to worry about it defrosting.
Each meal is individually packaged with heating instructions. They come in good portions—you won’t be hungry at the end.
Prices for an entree are usually around $10. Dessert comes in around $5-6.
Give it a try by visiting via this link!
Veestro Diet Options
Veestro not only has regular plant-based meal options, but specific diet options as well!
They offer:
- Starter Packs
- High Protein
- Gluten Free
- Juice Cleanse (3 day or 5 day)
I haven’t done a juice cleanse before, but I like the idea of it being pre-organized for me. I’m sure if I did it on my own I’d choose juices that weren’t right for the cleanse.
It’s additionally neat that they have a Gluten Free option. A friend of mine with Celiac’s disease always has trouble finding meal delivery options. So when somewhere is specifically tailored to her exact needs, I’m totally on board!