Coupon Suck

Pay With Dash Promo Code

Pay With Dash Promo Code: Get $5 off with coupon code D4582, plus read our Pay With Dash review!

Use the Dash App to easily settle your restaurant bill directly from your iPhone or Android.

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Pay With Dash Promo Code:

NOTE: Dash is now called Reserve.
Get $20 off your bill with the Reserve Promo Code: EJ4HOF

The Pay with Dash app provides an easy way to pay for your dinner experience directly from your mobile phone. Enjoy eating out again—use Dash to control when you want to pay the bill.

Pay With Dash Review (aka Reserve review)

UPDATE: The Pay with Dash app has merged with Reserve. Check out our Reserve Review here.

When I’m ordering food in, I always use DoorDash. It’s simply the best delivery app on the market. But when I’m going out, I like to switch it up.

Both on CouponSuck as well as among my friends, I have become the “on-demand dinner” guy, always finding new apps that pushing our dinner experience to the next level. Last week it was an App called Velocity. The Dash app allows the user to pay for a dinner bill directly from their app, easily splitting with friends. No more waiting for a waiter who is struggling under a heavy dinner rush, or feeling hurried along by a bill left too early on the table. You are in control of when you leave.

To try out the Pay with Dash app, download it here. That link will give you the $5 off (or you can just enter the code D4582). Once you have entered the Pay with Dash promo code and signed up for an account, you are all set. The app lists all of the restaurants near you and shows what they serve as well as the ambiance.

Walk into the restaurant and slide your finger across the bottom of the app to check in. Let your server know that you checked in with the Dash app as you walk to your table and you are all set. Enjoy your meal without worrying about the check. When you are ready, just open the app and pay with the click of a button. Or split it easily with friends without stressing about having the waiter use 20 different credit cards.

I have used the Reserve App (what Dash merged with) and I can say it is very useful. As the “On-Demand dinner guy”, it is very important that apps don’t take away from my dining experience. Reserve does a great job making the dinner payments easy, without having me staring at my phone for all of dinner.

Pay With Dash Promo Code: Get $5 off with coupon code D4582, plus read our Pay With Dash review!

I recommend giving the Reserve app a try. Get $20 off your bill with the Reserve Promo Code: EJ4HOF

PS. While you’re at it, why not get more free dinners and try out DoorDash, the Reserve app or the Allset app. Click on any of those to get between $5 and $20 dollars off!

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