Vinyl Me Please Review

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Vinyl Me Please is a fun and funky vinyl subscription service that will send you a new vinyl in the mail every month! Read my Vinyl Me Please review to see if this vinyl subscription is right for you! Plus, click here to score a discount of $10 off your first month.

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Vinyl Me Please Review : The Best Vinyl Record Subscription is VinylMePlease

My Vinyl Me Please Review

My dad has always had a sweet record collection, sitting under the bar in his garage man cave. When I was in high school my friends and I used to listen to them all the time. That is, until one of my dumb friends (ok, maybe it was an accident, but still) broke my dad’s awesome record player.

A couple years ago I bought my dad a fancy new one for his birthday. But for whatever reason, he’s decided he’s a modern man now and only listens to Pandora on his Roku. So I stole the record player back. But he still insists on hoarding all his old records like some weirdo.

Thus my intense need for a Vinyl Me Please vinyl record subscription!

Vinyl Me Please Review : The Best Vinyl Record Subscription!

I subscribed back in November 2015. I’ve gotten 5 records through the vinyl subscription at this point. And they are saweeet. It’s pretty damn easy to write a glowing Vinyl Me Please review.

Records Received

My new collection thanks to VinylMePlease now includes:

  • Nils Frahm | Spaces
  • Nada Surf | High/Low
  • Big Bill Broonzy | Big Bill Broonzy Sings Folk Songs
  • Låpsley | Long Way Home
  • Fugees | The Score (20th Anniversary)

Records span all decades, and I love not knowing what sort of music I’m going to hear when I throw it on the record player. All the vinyl’s are custom pressed just for Vinyl Me Please vinyl record subscription customers. The colors are so diverse and fun. And the album covers are amazing, and inside each one is an original 12×12″ art print, to hang on the wall!

Lastly—each record comes with its own custom cocktail pairing recipe. So if you’re listening to some jazz, the recipe might be for something a little smokey and classy. For something more upbeat, you might get a fruity cocktail (PS. I use the Drizly app to get all my alcohol and mixers delivered).

Recent Records Sent with the VinylMePlease Vinyl Record Subscription:

I subscribed to the vinyl record subscription too late to receive these particular records. But I would have died of happiness to receive any of them (they are from the VinylMePlease archive):

  • Youth Lagoon | The Year of Hibernation
  • Madvillain | Madvillainy (Limited Edition)
  • Sylvan Esso | Sylvan Esso (Limited Edition)
  • Sisyphus | Sisyphus (LTD Edition)
  • Thelonious Monk | Paris 1969 (Reissue)

Definitely head on over to and check them out. A vinyl record subscription might just be right up your alley, or the alley of someone you know. If nothing else, it creates a really fun “event” for the evening. We open up our record and listen to it while we cook. What a surprise!

Ps. Need a record player first? I recommend this one.