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VizEat Coupon Code

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Vizeat is the Airbnb for food. Join an immersive dining experience, hosted by locals around the world. Plus, click here for a VizEat coupon code deal for $5 off your first booking!

VizEat Coupon Code

To score $5 off, you must click here to gain access to a VizEat coupon code. The deal gets you $5 off when you spend over $40.

VizEat coupon code: Get $5 off at the Airbnb for food place!

This should be a pretty easy minimum to meet, as most meals are around $15-25 per person.

VizEat: Aka The Airbnb for Food

The closest way I can come to explaining the wonder that is VizEat, is that it’s the Airbnb for food. With Airbnb, you can feel like a local by staying with locals in a home. With VizEat, you can eat like a local by enjoying a home cooked meal by locals, in their home.

VizEat has only recently arrived in the USA, having become popularized around the world. So wherever you are traveling, check to see if there’s a VizEat experience offered nearby. Find traditional French food in a small village in France, learn how to cook tamales in Mexico City, or even cook on a campfire in the outback.

VizEat Promo Code: Get $5 off at the Airbnb for Meals service

How to host an “Airbnb for Meals” Event on VizEat

It’s pretty easy to set up an event. Figure out what you’re cooking, and what the dietary restrictions are. Do a nice write-up about the meal, and determine a per person cost. You can require a certain minimum number of guests. Lastly, add a photo and some availability dates, and you’re good to go!

VizEat takes 15% commission on any earnings you make. So be sure to price out your meals accordingly.

VizEat Promo Code

Again, don’t forget to score $5 off by visiting the site via this link. It works in lieu of a VizEat promo code. But in case the link doesn’t work, enter the code VIZEATTHEWORLD3.

Be sure to have $40 in your cart before entering it, or it won’t work.

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