Coupon Suck

Shopmium Referral Code

Shopmium App Referral code: Use KHKFMGAC for FREE chocolate
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The Shopmium app gets you deals and sales on products at stores near you.

Need a Shopmium Referral Code?

This Shopmium referral code gets you a sweet FREE chocolate bar just by entering the code KHKFMGAC when you sign up on the Shopmium app.

Shopmium Referral code: Use KHKFMGAC for FREE chocolate

My Shopmium Review

I’m always looking for the next killer deal at stores I already like to shop at. A Shopmium Review was a no-brainer.

Basically, you download the app and allow it to access your location. But be sure to enter the Shopmium referral code KHKFMGAC to get a free Lindt chocolate bar.

The app will instantly show you a map of stores near you that they can get awesome deals at. It’s a good chunk of stores—all major chains, pretty much. Simply go through and check out what items are on sale. Buy the items at the store like you normally would, and keep your receipt. Scan the receipt into the Shopmium App and you’ll instantly receive a rebate, that will be sent to your PayPal account or bank account!

Nothing could be easier. It seems pretty easy to rack up $20 in rebates, which I’d say isn’t half bad for just having to scan a receipt. Especially since the app is so easy to use, and easy to peruse new deals at your current favorite stores, or discover new ones with better deals that you never knew about!

Shopmium Referral code: Use KHKFMGAC for FREE chocolate (plus read our Shopmium App Review)!

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