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Fronto Promo Codes

Fronto Promo Codes: Get 1250 bonus points for free with this discount code

Fronto is a unique app that pays you to simply unlock your phone screen. Plus get a 1250 point bonus with the Fronto Promo Codes entry HAPPY1250.

Fronto Promo Codes: Get 1250 bonus points for free with the discount code HAPPY1250

Fronto Promo Codes

Here’s a list of the best Front Promo Codes at the moment:

HAPPY1250 : Get 1250 free points

SIXFIGURES : Get 1000 free points

NewStart : Get 1000 free points

Each of these Fronto promo codes will get you a bonus just by entering it. Usually you can only use one of the promo codes and then the others won’t work (it’s like a new customer code basically).


If you want to share your own Fronto referral code, feel free to do so in the comments!

Visit to get started!

What is the Fronto App?

The Fronto App is a pretty unique way to earn a little cash (or gift cards). It’s installed on your Android phone (not on iPhone yet sadly), and pops up every time you want to open your phone. If you see something on the app that appeals to you, you swipe left to read it. You can customize what kind of things show up on your Fronto screen, and it can be anything from coupons to serious news articles to sillier articles.

And if you literally just want to open your phone and want to skip the Fronto article (which will be most of the time probably, cause you need for phone to do so many other things), you simply swipe right. In doing so your phone opens like normal—BUT you also earn Fronto points for doing so.

When you have earned enough Fronto points, you can redeem them for a Paypal cashout, an Amazon gift card, or coupons to a variety of cool stores and places.

Fronto Referral Codes : How to Use

Be sure to enter one of the Fronto referral codes under the “Earn More” section of your app. You should see a place labeled Promo Codes, which is where you can enter the code. Once you apply it, you should see the points automatically applied to your account. Enjoy!

Fronto Promo Codes: Get 1250 bonus points for free with the discount code HAPPY1250

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