eToro Bonus

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eToro is an investment platform that allows you to “shadow” top performing financial analysts. You can then emulate their trades. Click here for an instant $1000 eToro Bonus.

eToro Bonus

Click the image below or this link to activate the bonus.

eToro Bonus: Get a $1000 eToro Coupon plus read our EToro Reviews

The eToro bonus deal works like this:

  • Deposit $300-999, get $100 Bonus Credits
  • $1000-2499, get $300 Bonus Credits
  • $2500-5000, get $1000 Bonus Credits
  • Depositing more than $5000? They don’t list the reward, but it will be even bigger!

eToro Review

I went into my eToro review with some knowledge. That one of eToro’s main aims is to make investing and trading a little bit more fun. Right off the bat, that eased some of my nerves and worries. They also have a big focus on educating new traders about the scary world that is investment trading. Phew!

I signed on up (with the $1000 eToro promo code bonus). I went ahead and created an account. The e Toro bonus amount actually depends on how much you deposit. If you deposit $500, you get $100 bonus credits, which isn’t too shabby.

It is easy to deposit money. They accept all kinds of different methods, ranging from Paypal, to credit cards and bank transfers. Plus a whole slew of ways I’d never even heard of (but maybe people in other countries have?).

Once you’re all funded and whatnot, you can get right down to it. Their trading platform is super fun and user-friendly. It makes the entire thing more like a game than a financial money-making thing. Which, now that I think of it, perhaps should scare some people, as you may get addicted easier.

eToro Bonus Code: Use our eToro promo code deal plus read our eToro reviews

The Trading Experience

The entire platform is based on a social-media type layout. You can view what others are doing and follow suit, or choose your own path.

Each trade is quick—maybe a minute long—and you’ll know whether you won quickly. You can trade not only currencies, but stocks as well. You can watch tutorials on eToro about what each of the types of trades mean, and what the best way to approach investment trading.

Overall, it is fun and educational. I’ll tinker around with it a bit over the next few weeks and can’t wait to see what happens. We’d love to hear from you about your own experiences in the comments below.

Don’t Forget your eToro Promo Code link:

Click here to activate it!

eToro Bonus: Get a $1000 eToro Coupon plus read our EToro Reviews